Anovite Colostrum 6- The Individual Components and What They Do
Anovite's Colostrum 6 is a power dietary supplement that
supports your health. This premium colostrum product can improve your immune
system, suppress your appetite, improve your energy levels, and gives you an
overall sense of well-being.
There are 80 different components that work
together to produce profound healing, health maintenance, and
anti-aging support that only this product can provide.
The biologically active components in Anovite’s Colostrum 6
can be divided into categories based on their unique health benefits. The three
major categories are the immune factors, growth factors, and metabolic factors.
Anovite’s Colostrum 6 is great for improving one’s immune
health. Many different types of immune factors are present in Anovite’s Colostrum 6. These include the following:
Also called antibodies, neutralize pathogens in the
lymphatic and circulatory systems. Many people take colostrum for the
immunoglobulins (lg) to receive immunity from a wide range of pathogens. Thanks
to its immunoglobulins, Anovite’s Colostrum 6 consistently protects you from
pathogens that may invade the intestinal tract causing diarrhea and
gastrointestinal illness.
Lactoferrins is an iron-binding protein that aids the body
in utilizing iron. The ability of lactoferrin to bind iron is important in
keeping invading bacteria at bay since they require iron to multiply. Many
other functions that have been attributed to lactoferrin, including
antimicrobial and antiviral activities, immune regulation, and cell-growth
regulation. Lactoferrin enhances phagocytosis (the engulfing of harmful
organisms by white blood cells) and plays a powerful role in reducing
inflammation that comes with many health problems.
Transferrin is another mineral-binding carrier protein that
attaches to available iron and can act independently or together with
lactoferrin to stop the growth of certain aerobic bacteria, particularly in the
Lysozyme is an enzyme that can break down the outer cell
wall of certain bacterial organisms, which inhibits their reproduction and making
them vulnerable to attack by other immune factors. It is found in saliva, tears
and in other mucous membranes. Lysozyme plays a key role in the first line of
defense against bacteria and is so important that it has recently been added to
some baby formulas.
Peroxidase is an enzyme that starts the release of hydrogen peroxide
to “burn” bacteria. This is the basis for the use of hydrogen peroxide as an
alternative therapy.
polypeptide (PRP)
Proline-rich polypeptide better known as PRP is a hormone
that helps regulate the immune system, keeping it in balance between under- and
over-activity. This is extremely important for those with autoimmune diseases.
Proline-rich polypeptide has a balancing effect on the immune response and can
suppress an overactive immune system in cases where it has begun to attack the body.
It is also a powerful anti-inflammatory agent that may help relieve pain.
Cytokines are messenger proteins that facilitate many immune
functions. They are involved in the production of T-cells, lymph activity, and
in controlling the force and extent of the body’s immune response. One
cytokine, known as interleukin-10, is highly anti-inflammatory and is a key helper
to relieve discomfort among persons with arthritis-related joint pain.
Lymphokines are hormone-like peptides. They are released by activated
white blood cells. They help to regulate the immune response.
Oligosaccharides and
Oligosaccharides and glycoconjugates to the surfaces of the
intestines, preventing the attachment of pathogens there. Evidence is also
available that these components act as growth promoters for the beneficial
flora in the gastrointestinal tract.
Thymosin is a hormone composed of two protein-based chains, known
as alpha or beta chains, which are separately present in Anovite’s Colostrum 6.
The chains act on the thymus gland independently or in concert with each other
to stimulate activation, development, and maintenance of the immune system.
Transfer Factors
Transfer factors are small proteins produced in response to
the body’s exposure to certain types of microorganisms, particularly those that
reside in deep tissues for a long period of time, like the bacterium that
causes tuberculosis. They are specific for a particular microorganism and are
carried inside certain types of specialized white blood cells. Transfer factors
work in conjunction with various white blood cells and other factors to keep
pathogenic microorganisms under control.
Nucleotides and Nucleosides
Nucleotides and nucleosides are important for metabolic
functions. They enhance antibody responses and contribute to iron absorption
during digestion.
Xanthine Oxidase
Xanthine Oxidase is an enzyme that can attach to the cell
walls of certain bacteria, and interfere with the ability of the bacteria to replicate
Growth Hormone
Growth hormone (GH) is the single most abundant hormone produced
by the body, affecting almost every cell. GH levels are highest during teenage
years and they fall rapidly thereafter. GH increases metabolism, reduces fat, and
increases muscle mass. It is involved in the regeneration of heart, lung, and
liver tissue, as well as many other organs and tissues throughout the body. GH
stimulates protein synthesis, which is critical for the renewal of skin and bones.
It is also considered to be an immune stimulant because it helps the body
produce antibodies, T-cells, and white blood cells. GH even affects
neurotransmitters in the brain, improving moods and mental sharpness.
Insulin-Like Growth Factors
(IGF) I and II
Insulin-like growth factors (IGF) I and II belong to a whole
family of hormones contained in Anovite’s Colostrum 6, called the IGF superfamily.
IGF-I is the most potent of these. It functions like the captain of a ship,
triggering the events that activate cell growth and reproduction, protein
synthesis, and the release of energy (glucose metabolism). Because it is
involved in so many major functions, IGF-I is found in association with almost
all the cells in the body. It improves the function of GH to build muscle and burn
fat. It is also recognized for its ability to regenerate and repair cartilage.
As we age, the cells in our body do not reproduce themselves as well, and,
since IGF-I is a primary factor in the ability of cells to grow and reproduce,
it is highly desirable for its many antiaging and regenerative effects.
Epithelial Growth Factor
Epithelial growth factor stimulates normal skin growth.
Transforming Growth Factors
A and B
Transforming growth factors A and B are helpful in healing
wounds and in the synthesis and repair of RNA and DNA.
Fibroblast Growth Factors
Fibroblast Growth Factors stimulates the growth of new blood
vessels and contributes to tissue development and wound healing.
Growth Factor
Platelet-derived growth factor is involved in the healing of
vascular wounds. It is released in conjunction with blood clotting during the
healing process.
Trypsin Inhibitors
and Other Protease Inhibitors
Trypsin inhibitors and other protease inhibitors help
prevent the destruction of immune factors and growth factors by enzymes in the
gastrointestinal tract. They also prevent the ulcer-causing bacteria, H. Pylori,
from attaching to the walls of the stomach. In this way, they are instrumental in
the healing of gastric ulcers.
Leptin is a small hormone-like protein that can suppress
appetite and lead to body weight reduction. Mature fat cells release leptin in
the presence of insulin, which is also found in Anovite’s Colostrum 6.
Insulin-producing pancreatic beta-cells have binding sites for leptin and it is
believed that the size of fat cells may be a major factor in determining the
amount of leptin released. Therefore, leptin deficiency may be associated with
obesity, particularly in diabetic individuals.
Insulin is a hormone required for the effective utilization
of glucose (blood sugar) in the body. Insulin binds to specific sites on cells,
facilitating their interaction with IGF-I which initiates the conversion of
glucose to glycogen, a high-energy source carbohydrate.
Vitamin-Binding Proteins
Vitamin-binding proteins act as carriers to deliver
B-complex vitamins to the body.
Mineral-Binding Proteins
Mineral-binding proteins, lactoferrin and transferrin, not
only interfere with the replication of certain pathogenic microorganisms; they
also serve to capture iron from the ingested food and present it in a form that
can readily be absorbed by the body.
Lactoferrin can also bind with copper and
deliver it in a form suitable for absorption by the body. In addition, two
carrier proteins are present in Anovite’s Colostrum 6. These assist in calcium
absorption. Casein, which is also an abundant source of amino acids to build
new protein molecules, is the first; alpha-lactalbumin, which is present in
appreciable quantities is the other protein carrier.
Cyclic Adenosine Monophosphate
Cyclic adenosine monophosphate (CAMP) is a phosphorylated nucleotide
in a very specialized form that transfers the chemical energy necessary to
drive metabolic reactions to form new protein, carbohydrate, and fat molecules.
Enzyme inhibitors, also known as “permeability factors,” are small proteins
that slow down or inhibit the enzymatic breakdown of proteins. They provide
protection to the immune, growth, and metabolic factors as they pass through
the digestive tract.
There are many other substances in Anovite’s Colostrum 6,
many are present in minute quantities and they also provide benefits to people
who ingest colostrum routinely as a dietary supplement. However, there are two
substances, in addition, to those described above that may provide significant
benefits. They are the hormone melatonin, which has a direct effect on the
establishment of biological rhythms and proper sleep patterns; and relaxin, a
hormone known to directly affect contracted muscles.
In conclusion, Anovite’s Colostrum 6 is a rich source of many
health promoting compounds. It is the only third party certified TRUE 6-hour
bovine colostrum available without their fat removed which makes it rich in immune,
growth, and metabolic factors. Some companies de-fat their colostrum products,
not being sensitive to the fact that fat is not only a carrier of many of the
most biologically active components in colostrum but also that fat protects
these compounds during processing. Anovite’s Colostrum 6 is the only true 6-hour third
party certified, minimally processed whole food colostrum on the market today.
I personally use and get great
results from using this product on a daily basis. Feel free to reach out to me if you have questions on this great product.
If you would like to try for yourself Anovite’s Colsotrum 6
risk free please visit my website for more information.
Chris Pierrotite