Thursday, September 6, 2018

Is Your Network Marketing System Outdated?

     Does this sound like you? You work all day at your traditional job anticipating quitting time so you can chase your dreams at night. You get home grab a snack and change your clothes and hit the door headed to your next big in-home presentation. While driving, you are nervously excited thinking this could be the one. That meeting where you find your superstar that changes your business. You arrive at your destination and your heart drops. Out of the 10 couples that are supposed to be there only 1 has showed up. Disappointed you get out and enter the house glowing with fake excitement to meet your new prospects. Everyone waits patiently for 30 more minutes hoping more will show, but they never do. Trying to make excused for all the couples who did not show.  I call this the endless cycle of frustration.

     That was my experience most of my network marketing career. Going to in-home and group meetings, regional events, and national conventions. Spending countless hours away from home and spending money I did not have chasing the dream of financial freedom. At every event I would be inspired just enough to keep me from quiting. You would hear things like "Do it for your family" or "It's a small inconvience for a lifetime of convience". At the end of the day, I was spending over 70 plus hours a week away from my family between my job and business. My team never duplicated and if I was not giving presentations personally I was not making money. Don't get me wrong I made money, just not sustainable passive residual money.

    After reflecting on my experiences with network marketing I realized that there are thousands of great companies with great compensation plans and products. The problem is that most companies are missing these two main ingredients. Mentorship and simple duplicatable systems.

    Being the nature of the business, word of mouth advertising, most people who join a network marketing business join with a friend or family member. They are lured in by a three way call or video of someone talking about crazy income, big homes, and fancy cars all while only working in their spare time. The new prospect gets excited over this easy money and joins, but is never given realistic expectations or training on the skill set needed to succeed. The first week a few join but most don't and everyone feels frustrated and in a couple of weeks time everyone quits. 
   Good mentors in the industry build relationships with their new associates. They provide training that teaches the skills necessary to be successful. They lead from the front and practice what they preach. They also and have simple duplicatable systems. Step by step systems that are so easy a 10 year old could follow. In my opinion it is just as important to chose a mentor as is it is in choosing a company. A good mentor can make you or break you when it comes to your success.


Most network marketing companies today still use the same system they have been using for 20 plus years. In- homes, group meetings, regional events, and national conventions are at their core. They tell you to make a list of friends and family and you invite them to a meeting at your house, where your sponsor will come and do a presentation. Hopefully someone signs and you do the next thing at your new recruits home. Getting people "plugged in" to group and regional events are key to keeping them so inspired they not quit. This system works great for people who have a big influence or circle of friends. On the other hand if you do not have a big circle of influence or friends you are doomed to fail. Most people who have past experience in the industry are in the No Friends Left Club or NFL, and the in home approach is not feasible. Lastly, most people do not like to sell and or not willing to learn the necessary skills to recruit in the cold market due to the fear of rejection.


In today's world of technology network marketing companies have to adapt with the times. Systems that worked 20 plus years ago will work, but or not as effective as years past. Most families are dual income and any more time away from the home is too much for them to sacrifice. 

I can say I have finally found a genuine mentor who has taught me a true simple duplicatable system that uses technology to build a passive residual income from the comfort of my home working 7-10 hours a week. No more late nights, in-homes, or group meetings. From day one I have averaged over 40 team recruits a month and have 20-30 people calling me on a weekly basis wanting more information about my business opportunity. I have been profitable since day one and  don't have to chase friends or family. All I do is answer the phone and invite. It is truly so easy a 10 year old can do it. 

So if you have failed at network marketing like I have don't give up just yet. Contact me and let me share with you the system that changed my network marketing business over night. I have to be upfront I will not try to sell you or try to get you to join anything. The system is so powerful you will make that decision on your own. 

Chris Pierrottie





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